The following Utility Rules are effective within the water service area of the City of Puerto Princesa as approved by the Board of Directors of Puerto Princesa City Water District.

All Water Rules herein set forth are subject at all times to change. Reasonable effort will be made to issue revised copies whenever any changes so require. Copies of the Water Rules in effect will be kept up-to-date and on file in the office of Puerto Princesa City Water District. Customers or any other individual contemplating any expenditures or activities governed by these Utility Rules should assure themselves that they have the latest correct information by visiting, telephoning or otherwise contacting the District. For the purpose of these Water Rules, the following terms shall be construed to have the following meanings:

ADEQUATE SUPPLY – That quantity of water required to satisfy maximum day and peak hour demands, including fire flow demands, for facility or development requesting water service.        APPLICANT – A person, persons, firm, association, government agency, corporation or other concern who indicates a desire to obtain water service from the District.

BOARD – Refers to the Board of Directors, the policy-making body of the Puerto Princesa City Water District which composes of five (5) directors representing the five sectors of the community representing: (a) business, commercial, or financial organizations; (b) civic oriented service clubs; (c) professional associations; (d) educational institutions; and (e) women’s organizations. The Local Water Utilities Administration may appoint one director as the Sixth Member of the Board based on Section 8, PD 198 as amended by Section 4, PD 768; Sec. 2, PD 1479).        DISTRICT – Refers to the Puerto Princesa City Water District.        SERVICE CONNECTION – It is the installation of water meter from the stub-out connection, laying of service line up to the first service household faucet.

FIRE PROTECTION CONNECTION – Water service utilized solely for fire suppression which means the tapping of water mains and the laying of pipes from the main to the curb line and the setting of the shut-off valve, flow detection device vault. The distribution system must furnish this in adequate quantity and pressure.

DOMESTIC – A Consumer classification pertaining to the use of water for daily activities and home necessities of a single household.

CUSTOMER – The person, persons, firm, association, governmental agency, corporation or other concerns that use, are entitled to use or benefit from the use of water from the District.

COMMERCIAL – A Consumer classification pertaining to the use of water in commercial or business establishments categorized into four (4) classes with corresponding conversion factors (See Section 5d), especially in service businesses and such others involving profit-earning and income generating activities. Such service must always be provided with an appropriate size of meter.

INDUSTRIAL – A Consumer classification pertaining to the use of water in the regular operation of industries like bottling, ice plants, food processing and manufacturing, garment and textile factories, mining and constructions, etc.

PUBLIC SERVICE/GOVERNMENT – A Consumer classification pertaining to the use of water in establishments and facilities or structures owned and controlled by national, provincial, city or municipal governments, and churches, provided such consumption is part of rendering service to the public without profit. This includes drinking fountains, fire hydrants, public toilets, public sprinkling devices, public buildings or offices, schools, halls and others. Such services must always be installed with water meter.

DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS – The entire pipelines and water mains that function to transport potable water to its users or direct consumers including fire protection facilities in adequate quantity and pressure.
MAINS – refers to the system of pipeline used to deliver water from the water source to the consumers. It is divided into two categories: transmission mains which are used to deliver water from the water source, to the treatment plant, and to reservoir, while the distribution mains used to deliver potable water or treated water to its direct consumers passing the laterals.

LATERALS – Water pipes lesser size than distribution mains and which also function to deliver potable water to its direct consumers.

CROSS CONNECTION – refers to the connection between the District water supply and some other source of water supply used by the Consumer. The term describes a situation that will permit backflow to take place such that the water from a secondary source enters the public supply whenever a temporary reduction in pressure in the District supply occurs or whenever pressures are higher in the secondary supply than the District supply. Any unprotected actual or potential link or connection between a potable water supply and any source or system containing an objectionable substance.

POTABLE WATER – Water that has been reviewed and approved for human consumption by the Department of Health according to Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW).
ILLEGAL CONNECTION – Means any service connection installed or the use of disconnected service connection without authority from the District.
PERSON – Any individual, partnership, corporation, public agency or other organization operating as a single entity.
UNLAWFUL ACTS – Acts declared unlawful pursuant to Section 8 of RA 8041 otherwise known as the Water Crisis Act of 1995, such as illegal connections, meter tampering or any form of water pilferage.
       CLOSING BILL – Last billing of the closed water connection.