The Puerto Princesa City Water District Board of Directors, representing the BUSINESS and CIVIC sectors, will complete their term of office on December 31, 2024. The PPCWD is now soliciting nominations from recognized business and civic organizations/associations/institutions in Puerto Princesa City to fill the upcoming vacancy.

Please be guided by the following qualifications for nominees:

  • Must be a Filipino citizen and of voting age.
  • Must be a resident of Puerto Princesa City.
  • Must not be related within the third degree of affinity or consanguinity to the appointing authority.
  • Must not hold any elective or appointive position in the government service.
  • Must be willing to serve as Director for a six-year term, from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2030, without salary and classified as a non-organic officer.

Ensure that the following supporting documents are included with your nomination:

  • Personal Data Sheet/Bio-data of the nominee.
  • Minutes of the meeting and Board Resolution from your organization endorsing the nomination.
  • Certificate of Registration, Articles of Incorporation, and By-Laws of your organization.

The deadline for the submission of nominations is November 1, 2024. However, as this falls on a public holiday, we encourage you to submit your nomination to the Office of the Board of Directors on or before the last working day prior to that date.