According to RA 9275 or “Philippine Clean Water Act” and City Ordinance No. 737 also known as “Septage Management Program in Puerto Princesa City”, we are required to implement a septage or sewerage management system in the city for the protection of our environment. By protecting our environment and our water bodies, we can ensure that our well-being is also safeguarded.
This Septage and Sewerage Management Project for the City of Puerto Princesa is indeed another milestone in the water and sanitation services of the city as we are also the first to use ieSSTP technology or innovative, economical Septage and Sewerage Treatment Plant.
The ieSSTP will be operated by the Puerto Princesa Water Reclamation and Learning Center, Inc. (PPWRLC), a joint venture corporation established by the City of Puerto Princesa and private sector partner Faith Lived Out Visions 2 Ventures Holdings Inc. (“FLOWs”).
Here are the things that we need to know about the project:
For more information, Puerto Princesa Water Reclamation and Learning Center can be contacted through their Facebook Page at