Through Board Resolution No. 21-23-103, the PPCWD Board of Directors commended the Management and Staff of PPCWD for its “Praiseworthy and Commendable Achievements” during the first semester of 2023.
The commendation was given after the presentation of the Management on the midyear accomplishment of the District, which showed that the highest recorded total monthly sales in the history of PPCWD was recorded for the month of June 2023.
The management also presented to the Board the status report of 24 major projects spanning pipeline expansions, well exploration, civil work projects, and pipeline rehabilitation scheduled for completion by the end of 2023 which are already 97% accomplished six months ahead of schedule as of June 2023.
The Resolution of Commendation was presented during the flag-raising ceremony at PPCWD Main Office on July 24, 2023.