Please be informed that starting today, May 4, 2020, PPCWD will now accommodate BILLS PAYMENT, APPLICATION FOR RECONNECTION, and other frontline services.
For application for new connection, kindly wait for further announcement.
– No minimum rate for consumption below 10 cubic meter for reading period from March to May 2020 (2 MONTHS)
– No surcharge or penalty for reading period from March to May 2020 (2 MONTHS)
– NO DISCONNECTION of service lines until further notice
In compliance with the directives of General Community Quarantine, “NO FACE MASK, NO ENTRY” policy and Physical Distancing are implemented within the premises.
Handwashing station and disinfection booth are located inside PPCWD Sta. Monica Office.
Lacao and NCCC Bayad Centers are ready to serve you starting today!
Keep safe!
Contact us: 0966-483-8505/0999-705-0761

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