To all PPCWD Consumers:

In connection with the National Government’s precautionary measures against the increase of COVID-19 cases in the country, the Office of the President through Proclamation No. 922 declares a State of Public Health Emergency throughout the Philippines (dated March 8, 2020), further, the Civil Service Commission issued Memorandum Circular No. 07, series of 2020 (Interim Guidelines for Alternative Work Arrangements and Support Mechanisms for Workers in the Government for the Duration of the State of Public Health Emergency Pursuant to Proclamation No. 922, dated March 11, 2020). In accordance with the aforementioned guidelines and declaration, the Puerto Princesa City Water District will implement a 4-day work week effective Monday, March 16, 2020.

Office transactions such as receiving and releasing of communication letters and other administrative matters will be accommodated from Monday to Thursday, 7:30AM to 6:30PM at PPCWD Main Office-Sta. Monica. For collection and billing services, kindly refer to the schedule below. Further, to continuously respond to the needs and concerns of our consumers in this time of water crisis, ALL Frontline Services including water inject and water delivery, and our Quick Response Team will be available 24/7.

Rest assured that all contingency measures and activities will not be hampered by the implementation of this 4-day work week period.

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