We would like to inform our consumers within City Proper about the scheduled System Shut Off on September 11, 2019, from 9:00 pm to 5:00 am, the following day. This is to give way to the following major maintenance activities:

1. Replacement of damaged gate valve along Caramuran Road, near Biochemist Drug Store, South National Highway, Bgy. Sta. Monica
2. Replacement of damaged gate valve along Malvar St. and Talakitok St., Bgy. Mandaragat
3. Tapping of 6” diameter pipeline to 16” diameter transmission line, in front of Sta. Monica National Highschool, Bgy. Sta. Monica
4. Replacement of 400 mm diameter valve along Rosal Road beside PPCWD Central Booster Station, Bgy. Sta. Monica

All consumers within the City Proper, especially along the Poblacion area are affected by this activity. Please be advised to store enough water before the start of the maintenance activity.

For any concerns and inquiries, please contact us at 0917-310-5282/0908-869-8907, or message us on our Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/PPCWATER.

We are doing our best to serve you. Thank you for your cooperation.

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